Thursday 20 February 2014

Student Budget Begins

I'm back at University, back to budgets and back to trying to make meals that I enjoy cooking, that are quick, cost effective and healthy. Its quite a lot to get out of a few Rands but I've tried and I thought I'd share them with everyone.

Grilled Basil and Lemon Chicken Breast
 with Basil, Cherry Tomato,
Green Bean and Lentil Salad
Steps to Make Salad:
  1. Place 1/2 cup of lentils in a pot with water and cook for 20-30min
  2. Chop cherry Tomatoes in half and place in bowl
  3. Take a handful of basil leaves and place in bowl with tomatoes
  4. Take a handful (approx 15green beans), cut off ends and chop not 1cm pieces, place in bowl with water and cook in microwave for 1.5min, cool off in cold water and place in bowl with rest of the salad
  5. After the lentils are cooked (just soft- i.e. not breaking apart), strain and place in bowl
  6. Drizzle Olive Oil and some balsamic reduction over 
Steps to Make Chicken:
  1. Slice chicken breast in half in order to open the breast to create a thinner, schnitzel-like shape
  2. Cover in 2tbsp of olive oil, 1tsp of salt, pepper, 1/4 of lemon squeezed
  3. Take a handful of Basil, thinly slice into little pieces and sprinkle on chicken
  4. Using a pan (griddle pan is preferable ) cook for 10-15min, altering sides when necessary

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